Respectful Interventions™ Staff Training Workshops &
Great for After-School & Camp Counselors!

- Open a Forum for Discussion
- Provide Specific Methods of Dealing with Problems & Issues
- Guided Steps Toward Exploring a Full Range of Workplace Issues
- Led by a Licensed Experienced Psychotherapist
- Engaging, Effective Programming that's Fun!
- Thought Provoking
- Audience Participation
- You Choose the Topics
- You Choose the Workshop Lengths - from 30 Minutes to Half & Full Day Programs
- A fresh way to liven up staff training!

"Thank you for being part of our Survive the Summer Miami event! The evaluations of your workshops are overwhelmingly positive. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you in the future."

Staff Training Workshops
- Picture looking into the adjoining office cubicle or boardroom, an after-school or summer camp program, a school classroom, or the employees' lounge, and not only being able to listen in on a conversation, but also being able to give your opinion on the subject, share an insight, agree or disagree with what's being said, and truly tell them just what you think about how they are handling the situation!
- That's exactly what a Respectful Interventions Staff Training Workshop is all about: A thought-provoking, upbeat, and fun presentation that opens a forum about workplace dynamics, communication and leadership skills, and subjects of interest to your group. Not only that, everyone in the audience is invited to participate!
- Two presenters will act out 3 or 4 short skits. After each role play, the audience participates in a guided discussion led by a licensed experienced psychotherapist. What makes this unique, is that the players stay in character and interact as though they were the people portrayed in the sketch!

All Workshops are customized for your group. Select the topics you would like to address, and we will build a custom workshop for your event.
Workshops presented at your Location. Out of Town Bookings Available.

Here are Some of the Workshops & Topics We Offer:
Professional & Corporate Staff Training Workshops
- effective leadership
- communication skills
- team building
- customer service skills
- dealing with a negative employee or co-worker
- anti-bullying
- handling stress
- dealing with change
- working together/group projects
- building trust
- setting an example
- leading without bossiness
- delegating tasks
- taking the initiative
- dealing with 'Mr./Ms. Know-It-All"
- company manners matter
- job expectations
- asking for help/employee assistance programs
- breakout brainstorm session
- Participants will receive a Workshop Highlights handout.
Camp & After-school Counselor Staff Training Workshops
Teacher / VPK / Preschool Staff Training Workshops
- anti-bullying
- handling a child’s difficult behavior
- professionalism
- dealing with a negative employee or co-worker
- effective leadership
- safety & supervision
- communication skills
- confidentiality
- favoritism
- speaking effectively with parents
- engaging parents & families in your afterschool or camp program
- handling stress
- working together
- dealing with 'Mr./Ms. Know-It-All"
- job expectations
- asking for help/employee assistance programs
- breakout brainstorm session
- Participants will receive a Workshop Highlights handout.

AntiBias/Multicultural/Holocaust Awareness Workshops

- addressing prejudice
- personal responsibility in combating intolerance
- classism
- dealing with bigotry among co-workers, parents/guardians, students/campers
- breakout brainstorm session
- Participants will receive a Workshop Highlights handout.
And...Lifecycle Event Workshops & Presentations for Parents, Singles, Couples, Seniors, Social Groups
Parenting Workshops: From Preschool to Prom & Beyond

- it's a baby!
- sandbox stories: preschool parenting
- my kid’s better than your kid
- you're not the boss of me!
- the elementary years
- middle school years
- teenage issues: bullying, friendship
- effective discipline: you did what!?!
- I only want to eat spaghetti!
- handling disappointments
- when to seek professional help
- eating disorders
- abusive relationships
- mental health issues
- families are different:teaching respect
- the college years
- the big goodbye

- issues & relationships
- dating
- newlyweds
- marriage & couples
- the in-laws
- time for me/time for us
- handling stress
- handling disappointments
- divorce
- starting over
- single parenting and the ex
- grandparenting
- senior living
- illness & caregiving
- bereavement
- living alone
- dating once more
- the kids are back...again!
- career decisions
- mother daugher relationships
- gay / lesbian issues
- abusive situations
- addictions
Respectful Interventions™ is the term we use to describe an effective,positive means of communication, and a guideline to map your interactions with everyone with whom you come in contact.
The key to achieving a high degree of success and satisfaction in the workplace and personal life is consistently treating colleagues, supervisors, family, friends, and the community in which you work and live in a respectful manner.
The use of Respectful Interventions™ will greatly enhance your value
and ability to be effective at your position.